What difference does it make?

what difference does it make if she follows him to the coffee shop
what difference does it make if bumping into him is her only hope
what difference does it make if she chooses to sit next to him
what difference does it make if she craves for his slightest glimpse
what difference does it make if she can spot him in the crowd
what difference does it make if she whispers or says it out loud
what difference does it make if she covertly observes him to read his mind
what difference does it make if she deciphers his serious face as kind
what difference does it make if their eyes often meet
what difference does it make if they belong to the same creed
what difference does it make if he too seems to look for someone
what difference does it make if for everybody else he seems done
what difference does it make if he too secretly likes her
maybe it makes an infinitesimal difference or maybe no difference at all.